Wednesday, February 17, 2010

The life and heartache of a 16 year old!!!

Wow, what a week without your best/girlfriend does to a person. Trust me he does not look as happy as he does in this awesome photo from this summer.

John came to our house last night and as we were chatting about what the next couple of weeks would involve and how he thinks the state tournament will go, he progressively began to get crabby or should I say crabbier. We thought he was a bit off when he arrived, but before long we knew we had a love sick puppy dog on our hands and it was going to be a long rest of the week, until a certain someone came home.
After talking for awhile he quickly reminded me, that she had been gone since last Friday and that she was not coming home until Friday or Saturday. Definitely a LONG time in a 16 year old's eyes. So as a good mom should, I tried to get his mind off of her for awhile, talking more about the tournament, but it just didn't help. He started asking me what our plans were for Sunday and if he could have the car. (I knew he must've had something stirring.)
I asked him why and this was his response. "To see Kendra, and to go on a date of course! It is our anniversary you know." Oh my gosh, to be 16 again and live in that world, that was oh so complicated and confusing, but yet felt so right at the time.
After our conversation and a yes from his mom, he finally chose to go to bed instead. Now mind you, I know that he did not go to bed, he simply went to his phone and continued to send a thousand new texts before he feel asleep, but that was ok with me.

I have to say that having this girl around has really made a difference in our son. He absolutely loves to spend time with her. We have noticed his attitude being better, his willingness to help out around the house (hmm, I wonder if the car has anything to do with this one), and even better is that his grades have been better too. He now has someone else's family to impress and someone new to compete with. How many of us can't benefit from a little harmless competition now and then right?

This girl puts up with a lot. She is his friend, supporter, and confidant. I must say that she
is also great at giving it back too.

Even though she may not be at the tournament and will miss the duals,

I know she is going to be a nervous wreck waiting to hear how things went. Just like she was during the summer waiting out those long tournament games in baseball.

Most of all, I will celebrate her home coming and their "anniversary" because of her, our son is a happy kid.
Bud, your week is almost over and later on in life you will understand that this week was no big deal. You will probably even laugh at how crazy you became over it, but for now I know it stinks. You life will be filled with it's challenges, bumps, and times when you think life is just not fair. I will never say I told you so, but you might just think I had a point, someday. Have a fun weekend and remember to always treat your girl with respect, always be honest to her, always have fun and do not get in over your head.

1 comment:

  1. Tear... I just sometimes can't stand that he is growin' up. However, I sure do like Kendra.... and I like to think I had a little hand in that... as her former babysitter 'n' all. :)

    Oh Pally - Mama Erin is SO right about all of this, but I am so proud of you for being so passionate about the things you love (be it sports or a girl) that you let them effect your emtions. We all love you so much!!! No matter how this weekend goes, that won't change!
