Tuesday, September 28, 2010

Homecoming Week!!!!!!!

It is Homecoming Week!!!!! Back in the day, I remember this week being a time of fun dress up days, pep rallies, laughs, and smiles, powder puff football and an awesome Friday night that ended with a win at the football game and the Homecoming Dance. Now days it is just a bit different. This is what we woke up to this morning.....

toilet papered trees and bushes,

a maple syrup and floured driveway,
(When we walked out of our front door and unto the steps it smelled as if someone made pancakes for breakfast and it was being delivered. The smell of maple syrup (and the bottle left in our yard) hung in the air.

more toilet paper,

and silly string everywhere!

At our school it is a tradition that the junior and senior classes prank each other and their houses during homecoming week. They hit people that they know, teachers, classmates, and other people that may play a role in their lives. Thank goodness John has good friends that he hasn't ticked off too badly, because our house was done in harmless, pranking fun, which made us smile and breathe a sigh of relief, but some kids have gotten carried away and moved over into the vandalism and theft areas of "pranking". Unfortunately all extra homecoming activities have been cancelled; including powderpuff football and muscle volleyball two things that many kids look forward to each year. IT is too bad that there always has to be a group that ruins it for everyone.


  1. Seriously!?!?! I can't believe the school is punishing kids ofr things that are taking place in the middle of the night. Let the parents handle it for pete's sake... I am glad you took it all in humorous stride... I wonder, though, since John has two homes, did he get double-pranked???? :)

  2. I guess I am not sure how the school can cancel these events when it wasn't done on school property and they don't know---or at least didn't know---who did it when they cancelled them, but oh well--not for us to say, I guess. I hope the kyds have a fun time at the football game anyway and it would be great if the CC Squirrels blow Lisbon out of the water---oops, with the way our field is---just a figure of speech!!!!
