Wednesday, March 3, 2010

A sleepover

(I have to apologize first to my other children that I am once again writing about a story that evolves around Jaylen, but seriously, he is a story in himself. He is so darn funny)

Well, it all started with Granny (Yes, that is what he calls Grandma Colleen) stopping over last night to tell us that she would be able to watch Jay for us on Thursday. We were in need of daycare for the day and she was off from work....PERFECT! When she asked Jaylen if he wanted to come to her house for the day, he immediately answered her with a quick, "I go home with you now Granny." "Not tonight," Granny answered, "in two sleeps." BUt that was not good enough for Jaylen.

So today was the day after he had slept two times and honest to god he had not forgotten. After I picked him up from daycare, he asked right away if he was going to Granny's. I told him yes and then wanted to know what he thought he needed to bring with him to her house. This is how the conversation continued.

Mom: Jay, what do you need to pack to stay at Grandma's?

Jaylen: Probablyyyyyyyyy, my pillow and my blankie. The Elmo one.

Mom: What else will you need?

Jaylen: Ummmmm my plug, and my sleep bag. (We later figured out a sleep bag was actually his sleepover bag or suitcase.) I need diapers too mama.

Mom: Yes you do Jay, but don't you think Grandma wants you to go in the potty?

Jaylen: Ummmm Probablyyyyyyy NO!

Well, it seemed that he really knew what he needed and wanted to go to grandma's house pretty badly. As I left for church I told him to get his bag packed and when I got home, grandma should be there to pick him up. When I arrived home I walked in to see a completely packed sleep bag, a pillow, and a blanket all ready to go. You would think that he was really READY to get away for the evening.

The sad part was, he walked out the door with grandma, pulling along his sleep bag and acting oh so grown up. Daddy tried to get him to give him a hug and a kiss good night and he said no. Mommy finally got an I Love you, MAMA out of him as he headed down the sidewalk, but nothing more. He climbed into the van and away they went.

Why does he have to be growing up so fast? Why do mommy and daddy have to be the boring ones? Why does he have to be so independant? Why can he not stay little forever?

Jay, mommy hopes you have a wonderful night with Granny and Papa tonight and that you are ready to give hugs to mommy and daddy when you see us tomorrow. We know that you are growing up and want to be a big boy, but you will always be our little boy no matter what. I love you, Punk.


  1. So sweet! Yes, he is growing up way too fast! We are always looking forward to when they learn something new, but then always are wishing they would stay small forever! Can't have them both I guess! ;-)

    Thanks for sharing!


  2. ummm.... did you get the picture messages from Granny's house today?!?!?! I KNOW why he leaves without hesitation... waffles and money... need I say more??? :)
