Sunday, May 2, 2010

Belated Birthday for a Three Year Old!!!!

Today we spent a couple hours at a child's favorite fun spot, Chuck E Cheese. Jaylen wanted to have his birthday party at Chuck E's but we were unable to celebrate on the actual day due to his sister's K-2 Music Program. So off to the store we went so he could pick out his own fun birthday cake and this one caught his eye from a ways away.
"Mommmmy, Mater!!!"

Here is just part of the birthday crew. We were joined by our cousins Gabi and Gaven and also the Everson boys although not all are present in the photo.

Jay was not in the mood for pictures at all, so you will notice we just didn't push it and they had a blast. It is much harder to get kids together at a game place like this, instead of any other.

Two of our favorite little boys....

and the third. He did not make a peep the whole time we were eating, except when he was successful getting a piece of his pizza unto his spoon. I missed it on the camera, but he lit up belly giggled when he knew he had done something pretty cool.

The one game I caught, Whack a Shark!!! He has quite the hammer swing.

Papa Jerry, Great Papa, and Great Grandma

Gabi, Auntie Jenny, Uncle Barry, and Grandma Karen

As the afternoon wrapped up we had 8 kids with smiles on their faces and a birthday boy that had a blast. I think it is safe to say that all the kids had tired themselves by the time we left.

This is what daddy and I saw only about 30 seconds after hearing this.......
"Mommy, I am not tired. Right?" Jaylen said.
"I don't know, are you?" asked mommy.
Then I turned around just to see this picture of the most quiet, sweet, innocent little boy that I call my PUNK!!

I love you Punk and I hope that you had a wonderful day.
Happy Birthday!

1 comment:

  1. What a fun birthday, and how special to be loved by so many people! We definitely spent time thinking about his little party on Sunday, and telling stories of our favorite moments with the little man. Isn't it amazing how such a little being can bring so much laughter to the world?!?!
