Wednesday, May 12, 2010

What a lucky brother!

Everyone knows that this group of people are pretty much considered "Groupies" of one special guy, known as Johnny B, as they follow him throughout the baseball season. They are often found in their completeness, but if not, there is always strong fan support at each game by at least some of the group. The Baumgarten Crew sticks together and supports their favorite player know matter what.

BUT....... even though they are pictured above, there is a small group of supporters that may not get quite as much praise as they should for being Johnny B's biggest fans. You will notice that there is an extra fan in the photo, this is John's sister on mom's side, Sydney. She too fits in as one of the group when she is able to make a game to cheer on her favorite player.

These kiddos get along great as you can see so when they are all together you can hear them all yelling, "GO, Johnny B!!!!!"

Just chillin and trying to keep warm in between innings.

Sydney and Jaylen getting some digging time in.

Really? Are you sure this is baseball season and not football time?

The ultimate Johnny B fan. There are very few games that this little guy misses. He is a trooper patiently waiting through long innings, rain delays, hot days, and goes on very little sleep at times. Although he comes prepared with all of his digging tools and tractors to keep him busy.

John we are all so proud of you and love watching you grow, becoming quite the ball player. Although, you need to know how much you mean to each one of these kids too. We know that each of them DRIVE YOU CRAZY in their own way, but they love you with their entire beings. You are their big brother and friend, they look up to you and look to you for guidance and advice. You will be the one they call when they need to talk or when they want to share something special. You have become their idol and are truly the most important role model each of them has right now. You are who they strive to be and THEY LOVE YOU!
Keep up the great work buddy as the school ball year is coming to a close. We are excited to watch you throughout the summer again.

1 comment:

  1. Whew! Barely made it through that one without needing a new application of mascara! Beautiful said, Sista! :)
